Behind the scenes: Crafting the TOKONAME diffuser

Each diffuser is molded and polished one-by-one, combining the best materials with countless trials to create a stone that is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and diffuses essential oil simply.

Appearing to levitate it accents any interior. Please enjoy your favorite essential oil with the diffuser to experience a serene and blissful moment.


Crafting the TOKONAME diffuser
Handcrafted by professionals
Handcrafted by professionals
cool down image
It takes 12 hours to cool down after 9 hours of burning in the kiln
drops of essential oil image
It gently emits an aroma from the matte surface with just a few drops of essential oil
Exploring around the Tokoname area
​About 60 climbing kilns formerly operated in Tokoname.
Dokanzaka - Clay Pipe Hill image
Dokanzaka - Clay Pipe Hill
Left side of path: Tokoname pipes made more than 100 years ago
Right side of path: Old shochu (Japanese distilled liquor) Tokoname jars
Old chimneys image
Old chimneys leaving a retrospective scenery